Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tokenization over Encryption

Let’s opt for Tokenization over Encryption !!

Widely used and trusted SHA-1 hashing algorithm , one-way encryption function , which was surprisingly broken a few years ago by a university in China.
We are seeing more and more organizations moving from Encryption to Tokenization, as it is more secure and cost-effective approach. The reason is because it is the best way to minimize the data security risk while dealing with PCI compliance.
How Traditional Encryption works?

The term “encryption” applies to the use of cryptographic algorithms to render data unreadable unless the user possesses the appropriate cryptographic ‘keys’ to decrypt the data.
Technically, cryptographic keys must be treated with the same care as the data, as a compromise of the keys will result in a compromise of the encrypted data. It is simply a case of switching protection from the data, in instances where it is unencrypted, to the cryptographic keys in instances where the data is encrypted.  While it is a practical approach on the surface, encryption keys are still vulnerable to exposure, which can be very dangerous, particularly in large enterprise environments.
Encryption also lacks versatility, as applications and databases must be able to read specific data type and length in order to decipher the original data. If database and data lengths are incompatible, the text will be rendered unreadable.
In addition companies must ensure that the encryption method selected is of sufficient strength. Increasing computer power and new cryptologic research will require additional encryption strength over time.
Is Encryption is really different than Tokenization
Tokenization is a form of cryptography; however, in practice, they are different animals. Encryption brings with it vulnerabilities caused by the key and the unchanging nature of the algorithm. Tokenization – Code systems that rely on Codebooks to transform plaintext into code text.

Format preserving encryption may look like tokenization at the surface. The cipher text value may look like the original value in data type and length. If a malicious attack results in the capture of the key used for the format preserving encryption and its associated algorithm, then the clear text could be derived whereas, a token cannot be derived by the systems interacting with the tokenized data which is why those systems can remain out of audit scope for PCI compliance.
Tokenization approaches the problem from a completely different angle. At the basic level, tokenization is different from encryption in that it is based on randomness, not on a mathematical formula, meaning it eliminates keys by replacing sensitive data with random tokens to mitigate the chance that thieves can do anything with the data if they get it. The token cannot be discerned or exploited since the only way to get back to the original value is to reference the lookup table that connects the token with the original encrypted value. There is no formula, only a lookup. A token by definition will look like the original value in data type and length. These properties will enable it to travel inside most applications, databases, and other components without modifications, resulting in greatly increased transparency. This will also reduce remediation costs to applications, databases, and other components where sensitive data lives, because the tokenized data will match the data type, length and format of the original, and will better protect data as it flows across systems due to the higher level of transparency to business rules and formatting rules.
Is my Tokenization technique is valid.
External validation of the token generation method is needed, since homegrown tokenization solutions and vendor solutions are using a range of different methods to generate tokens. Leading analysts are advising organizations to not develop homegrown tokenization solutions.  Organizations need to understand what questions to ask their vendors in order to understand what is being offered.
Encryption requires years of field use in order to become an accepted and validated solution. Tokenization requires only to be validated by experts in the field.

Let’s opt for Tokenization over Encryption !!

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